What is an Asset Management?
Updated over a week ago

The Asset Management service provides asset managers and small hedge funds with a convenient high-end platform to ease their business process with clients. It provides an opportunity for our customers who are profitable traders to:

  • Earn additional income from investors

  • Copy any strategy with their own risk settings

  • Compose a portfolio of strategies.

In order to access the platform, you must follow three simple steps:

  1. Fill out the form on our website.*

  2. Go to your mailbox, where you can find a letter from Finexware with credentials to log in to the platform.

  3. Log in to the platform and start studying and working with it.

*Please note: Currently, to access the platform you must use an email address that you have not previously used in our Company. This will be fixed in the second iteration. You can find more information about this service here.

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